The speakers once selected will show up below. We are accepting speakers registrations – do read our “Call for Speakers” and fill in the form.
Speakers registrations will close on 15th February 2014 are now closed.
Ramya Pandyan (Idea Smith)
IdeaSmith is the digital doppelgänger of Ramya Pandyan (middle-class Mumbaikar, intrepid train-traveller). As IdeaSmith, she battles obscurity, slays boredom and keeps a lot of people entertained with her stories about Mumbai, men, books and life at large. She blogs, tweets, Insta’s, FB’s, +G’s and Goodreads.
Her verbal performances air at The Idea-smithy and XX Factor. Tweet-bomb her at @ideasmithy.
Yavisht Katgara
Yavisht studied at RMIT in Australia and returned to India to jump into the web development industry. He has been making WordPress themes for over 4 years now. He is also the founder of Neryosang.
His speakers sessions is titled “”Design and develop your own WordPress Theme with Frameworks”
Manish Gori
Manish has been active in WordPress since 2011 and is the founder of AntThemes and Themeszen and is also a contributor of free themes on He has 9 themes listed on the site. He also reviews themes in his spare time.
His speaker session is titled “Introduction to getting your themes approved on”
Amit Singh
Amit Singh has been involved with WordPress since 2007 and founded WPoets in 2011. He has contributed 5 plugins to WordPress plugin repository and is actively involved with WordPress users community in Pune.
He also helped organize WordCamp Pune in 2013.
His speaker session is titled “WordPress as Rapid Prototyping Tool”
Karthik Magapu
Karthik is Co-Founder and Chief Explorer of Hummingbird Web Solutions, which builds and supports products for web developers and web designers. WordPress is a big part of what he does with WPeka.
Karthik’s speaker session is titled – “GPL – What is this license ? Myths around GPL”
Siddharth Ashok
Siddharth works as a front-end and WordPress developer at, aka Next Big Thing. He has been using WordPress for almost 8 years.
Always there to help and guide those who are new to technology, he tweets @siddharthashok
Siddharth’s talk is titled “Customizing the WordPress Dashboard/Login for Clients”
Bigul Malayi
Bigul is a WordPress enthusiast since 2007. He has developed many WordPress sites. Since 2011 he is working for OnTheGo Systems (makers of WPML, Views, Types and CRED) as QA Analyst.
His speaker session is titled “Setting up and running WordPress multilingual websites”
Rina Chhadwa
Rina Chhadwa is a developer at heart and loves working with PHP related technologies. She is passionate about Drupal and WordPress. She advocates using open source technologies. With more than 8 years of experience she finally has her own startup, Acelin Creations and is currently working overtime on it to make it big. She tweets @rinashah
Her session is titled “WordPress for Dummies” and is targeted towards introducing WordPress newbies.
Puneet Sahalot
An engineer by chance and a WordPress theme developer and coach by passion. I run a WP design and development agency. Apart from work, I love traveling, photography and writing poetry in leisure time.
His speaker session is titled “Troubleshooting WordPress for Beginners”
Jatin Hariani
A web developer by trade, Jatin Hariani has 3 years of freelance experience under his belt. Currently practicing his skills as a technology engineer at Webly, he strives to make the web a better place, one commit at a time. He tweets about WordPress, Web Development in general and a bunch or random stuff at @JatinHariani
He speaker session is titled “Take Control of Your Code With Git”
Prasath Nadarajah
Prasath Nadarajah lives in Colombo, Srilanka. He is a code wrangler at Automattic, makers of He also contribute to the WordPress project in his spare time. He completed a GSoC project with WordPress back in 2011 where he wrote an extension to the xmlrpc API.
His speaker session is titled “How to become a plugin developer?”
Brajeshwar Oinam
Brajeshwar believes that if he needs to get things done, it should be done the right and the better way. It might take extra time in the beginning, but the process should be repeatable and eventually pave way for future enhancements.
He wants to apply the same idea to WordPress Theme design and development too. You can follow him on Twitter @Brajeshwar
His speaker session is titled “Easing WordPress Theme Development Workflow with NodeJS, Ruby, Sass and Grunt”.
Annkur Agarwal
He is obsessed with the mobile revolution and is the co-founder and CEO of He started his career in 2002 as an online retailer, subsequently he ran a media company under the brand OnlyGizmos and currently works on empowering local retailers with PriceBaba.
He is also the lead for Startup Saturdays at HeadStart Network Foundation. You can read his blog or tweet to him at @annkur.
He session is titled “No SEO, A More powerful way to do SEO with WordPress”
Rahul Bansal
Rahul Bansal has been blogging and developing on WordPress since 2007. He is currently working as Founder & CEO at rtCamp – a WordPress solutions company.
You can find him on Github and he tweets at @rahul286.
He will speak on “EasyEngine – Easily Manage WordPress Sites on Nginx” – where EasyEngine is a command line tool (CLI) to make WordPress sites management on nginx easy
Bought the tickets now waiting for march 15 word camp mumbai
I was waiting for this Event since many months I missed last Wordcamp Mumbai… but this time i m gonna enjoy WordCamp….
waiting for 15th march 
What is the last date for registrations ?
The last date was yesterday on 15th Feb. The speaker registrations are closed now.
Can’s wait more to listen all these experts.. Someone please ask 15 March to come early..
Cant wait more for 15th March……………..
The timings of the various sessions have not been posted- can you please update on that?
You can find the timings at the following link
Attending first time !!!!!!!!!